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UI DLC joins ASUU strike, suspend first semester’s exam

University of Ibadan, UI

University of Ibadan, UI

University of Ibadan

Gbenro Adesina/Ibadan

Sequel to the ongoing indefinite strike embarked the Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, the management of the University of Ibadan Distance Learning Centre, DLC has suspended the on going first semester 2016/2017 examinations.

In a statement to the students signed by the Dayo Olajide and released from the Communication office of the centre, the centre stated, “The management of Distance Learning Centre (DLC) is obliged to comply with the pleasures of the union.

“On behalf of the DLC Management, I wish to express apologies to all DLC learners for the occurrence. The Centre empathises profoundly”.

The Centre Director, Professor Oyesoji Aremu was quoted in the statement that the centre regretted the development, assuring that the management would duly consult and fashion a way to circumvent future occurrences.

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However, some of the students who spoke to our correspondent showed their displeasure about the development, stressing that strike should not have been extended to them.

A finalist who would not want her name to be mentioned said, “We are distance learners. We are not regular students. We pay more than the regular students. The reason why some of us opted for DLC is because of its advantage which include smooth running of the programme with strict adherence to the academic calendar.

“But this is not so. By the time the strike is called off, they will rush the regular, and after finishing their exam, it will be taken to the senate for approval. Even if our result is ready before that of the regular students, they will push our result aside and attend to the result of the regular. They only attend to our case when they do not have anything to do. This school is not fair to us. We are peculiar students and I think they should treat us as such”.

She added, “DLC management should recruit our own lecturers for us. The lecturers will be independent. The lecturers to be recruited do not need to be lecturers of UI. The issue is that when they recruit our own lecturers and they are strictly DLC lecturers, whenever there is a strike, they will not join”.

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