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Flood: Nasarawa community advised against indiscriminate tree felling

Tree felling

Tree felling

Tree felling

The District head of Mada Station in Nasarawa state, Alhaji Musa Jatau, has advised the residents of the state against indiscriminate felling of trees in order to avoid natural disaster like flooding.

Jatau gave the advice on Monday during a sensitization meeting on the effect of flooding organized by him for the people of Mada station in Nassarawa Eggon Local Government Area.

He has said that the sensitization meeting was to educate and enlighten the people of the area on the effect of flooding.

He added the meeting was also to advise them to avoid indiscriminate felling of trees in their own interest and that of the overall development of the country.

Recently heavy rains washed away farmlands in Mada station area of Nasarawa state.

According to Jatau, indiscriminate felling of trees is harmful to the environment and can also cause flooding, which can affect the lives and property of the people negatively.

The district head called for the change of attitudes among those people involved in the indiscriminate felling of trees so as to avoid flooding in the area.

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He has also advised the residents of the area to always keep their environment clean to boost their health and hygiene.

“It is also the responsibility of everybody to complement government’s efforts by keeping his or her environment clean because it is often said that a healthy nation is a wealthy nation.

“It is on this note that the government and stakeholders are always advising the people on the need to maintain personal and environmental hygiene.

“I also want to appeal to the people of the state and Nigerians at large to continue to be law abiding, respect constituted authorities, live in peace and tolerate one another irrespective of their ethnic, religious and political affiliation.

Jatau added that no meaningful development could be achieved in a society without peace, hence the need for Nigerians to always be their brother’s keeper.

The district head also called on the people of his domain to support government at all levels to enable them succeed in the task ahead of them.

Some of the people who spoke during the meeting also expressed dismay on the persistent felling of trees, which had contributed immensely to erosion problem in the area.

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