South-East: APDA commends military, governors on peace restoration

All Progressive Democratic Alliance (APDA)

The Advanced Peoples Democratic Alliance (APDA) has commended the actions of the military, governors and other stakeholders toward restoring peace in the South East geopolitical zone of the country.

The party gave the commendation in a statement by its National Publicity Secretary, Mr. Tosin Adeyanju, on Sunday in Abuja.

He stated that the party commended the military’s “Operation Python Dance II’’ exercise and the resolution of South East governors proscribing the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) group.

“The party, however, noted that while military exercise was a normal practice all over the world, proper education was needed to sensitize citizens so as not to misconstrue how the exercise works.

“We want to believe that the lack of information and tension in the region gave room for the violence that occurred between the Nigerian military and members of IPOB.

“However, we commend the bold step of the military to protect the territorial integrity of our country.

“No individual or group should threaten the corporate existence of our nation because what binds us together as a country is greater than what divides us.”

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He stated that the party stressed the urgent need for the military to intensify civil relations
“to check the erroneous belief that its action is an attempt against a particular region.’’

“The party wants to advise Nigerian Army to use its military-civilian relationship desk to educate
citizens on what to expect during the exercise and why the exercise is necessary.”

APDA expressed happiness over the proactive measures by Gov. Okezie Ikpeazu of Abia to declare a curfew in the state, which according to the party had doused a lot of tension.

“APDA also commends the Enugu Declaration by South East governors. We must also commend the proactive action of most state governors in the North to stop any reprisal attack against other citizens as well.”

APDA, which sued for peace, urged people of South East to be calm, saying the situation would soon be over.

It, however, appealed to the government to engage aggrieved interest or groups to douse tension in the land, stressing that “it is always better to jaw jaw than to war war.’’

“APDA believes so much in the unity and indivisibility of our dear country Nigeria and that is how we will remain stronger together.”

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