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Nightclub manager dishes successful business tips


FILE PHOTO: Nghtclub

FILE PHOTO: Nghtclub

Tobi Ashiru, Manager, Rumor Nightclub Ikeja, on Thursday said that re-invention and thinking outside of the box was the best and possibly the only way to survive in the hospitality business at the moment.

Ashiru on Thursday said that the biggest challenge affecting the running of a nightclub was that it is not attracting huge patronage as well as getting the biggest spenders through the door.

He said that bar and nightclub owners had a lot on their plates to ensure they remained in business.

“The difficulty comes not only from getting customers in the door but maintaining profitable margins at the same time.

“There is an old saying in the club business, which I’m sure applies to most businesses, “Turnover is vanity, margins are sanity’’.

“We have to worry about the health of the business and managing all of our employees while also trying to find new ways to attract the best crowd and the biggest spenders.

“With so much going on, it can be very easy for things to fall out of place or to get overlooked,’’ he said.

The manager continued by saying: “One can be forced to go back to the drawing board after losing the battle to hold onto his portfolio of a nightclub.

“Re-invention and thinking outside of the box in order to drive up dwindling sales is certainly the best and possibly the only way to survive in the hospitality business at the moment,’’ Ashiru said.

Giving some tips on how to run the nightlife industry successfully and build profit margin, Ashiru said: “I believe that having regular guests can help build one’s profit margin.

“This is because there is no incremental advertising or marketing expense to bring them in.

“Additionally, provide valuable word-of-mouth advertising. Ask customers to sign up for an e-mail newsletter that announces special events at the nightclub.

“Send them discount coupons with each edition of the newsletter and track how many of these are redeemed.

“You can have one of the hottest venues in your city by consistently providing an exceptional guest’s experience,’’ the manager said.

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