7 killed in night attack on Nasarawa village


Nasarawa State map

The Nasarawa State Police Command on Tuesday confirmed the killing of seven persons in a night on Kadarko, a village in Keana Local Government Area of Nasarawa State.

According to Mr Kennedy Idirisu, its Public Relations Officer, the victims were killed by gunmen that invaded the village on Monday.

He described the incident as “saddening”, saying that a special police team, led by a senior officer, had been deployed to the area to forestall a recurrence.

Kadarko village had come under severe attacks lately, with cattle rustlers killing 73 cows on Sunday.

Two herdsmen were reported missing after the rustlers’ invasion.

Alhaji Ahmed Bello, the Commissioner of Police in Nasarawa, visited the village on Sunday and assured the herders that investigation had commenced toward apprehending the rustlers.

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