NUPENG officers given 21 days notice to hold fresh elections


NUPENG prepares for strike


The Petroleum Tanker Drivers (PTD) branch of the Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG), has issued a 21-day ultimatum to leadership of the union to leave office and conduct fresh elections.

Mr Salimon Oladiti and Mr Sunday Ochibejivwe, the PTD National Chairman and National Secretary respectively, issued the ultimatum in a statement in Lagos.

They said that the tenure of the present executive of NUPENG ended in October 2017.

According to them, we are all aware that Igwe Achese-led National Executive Council of NUPENG were elected and sworn in sometimes in December 2009 for the first term of four years.

“He was re-elected for another four years in December 2013 in Port Harcourt, Rivers.

“He has served the two consecutive terms provided in the union’s constitution and legally ends in October 2017.

“Yet, Achese and his team extended the tenure beyond October 2017.

“At a Central Working Committee (CWC) and National Executive Council (NEC) meetings of the union in December, 2017 the matter generated heated debate.

“The General Secretary requested for grace of 90 days within which to convene the National Delegates Conference.
“This request was in breach of the union’s constitution, because there was no justification whatsoever for it,” said the PTD leaders.

They said that after the expiration of the 90 days on March 3, there was no new date or venue communicated to members or branches for the National Delegates Conference.

“It is very obvious that there is a ploy to create disaffection and avoidable industrial crisis in the oil and gas industry with all these action and inaction.

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“We are, therefore, notifying you, that if by March 28, the conference of the union is not convened, the new officers of PTD branch of the union, will take steps needed to restore the constitutionality and integrity of the union.

“We urge the stakeholders in the oil and gas industry to intervene and compel the General Secretary to convene the conference before March 28.

“This is to prevent the impending intra-union and industrial crisis in the oil and gas industry, which the continuing staying in office of the leaders might cause,” they said.

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In his reactions, the General Secretary of NUPENG, Mr Joseph Ogbebor, told newsmen that it was not true that the current executive of NUPENG were not willing to vacate their seats for new leaders.

Ogbebor said that the union had been meeting for days to fine-tune the modalities for the National Delegates Conference of union this month in Port Harcourt.

According to him, the conference will witness the change of baton between the old executive and the new ones.

‘’I can tell you categorically that it was not true that the current executive officers of NUPENG are not willing to relinquish power.

“The president of the union is desirious to ensure seamless transmission of power between his executive and the coming ones.

“That is why we have been working seriously to ensure the convention of the National Delegates Conference holds in March,’’ he said.

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