Kaduna Govt. urged to probe causes of Kasuwan Magani crisis

Governor Nasir El Rufai

Governor Nasir El-Rufai of Kaduna State

Governor Nasir El-Rufai of Kaduna State

Media Committee of Mainan Zazzau Campaign Organisation has urged Kaduna State Government to set up a Judicial Commission of Inquiry to ascertain the immediate and remote causes of Kasuwan Magani crisis.

The group, in a statement issued in Kaduna on Friday signed by its Secretary, Ibrahim Zango, condemned the Feb. 26 crisis that left 12 persons dead, hundreds of shops and houses burnt.

According to the group, the Kaduna state government should go beyond prosecuting suspects arrested for their alleged involvement in the crisis.

Zango urged the government to raise a fact-finding and assessment committee to ascertain the level of damage with a view to assist those who lost their property in the crisis.

“The large scale loss of lives, limbs and property and the potential for extension of the conflict demand a serious approach to this one-too-many ugly incident.

“Subsequently, the government should set up a judicial commission of Inquiry to ascertain the immediate and remote causes of the crisis’’, Zango said.

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He said Kaduna State has a long history of communal and religious conflicts.

“But these had effectively been checked during the Ahmed Makarfi administration between 1999 and 2007 and so the return of bloody conflicts in the state is quite worrisome,” he said.

The committee, however, commended the security operatives in the state for the prompt intervention that contained the situation.

“Mainan Zazzau, Alhaji Sani Bello sends his heartfelt condolence to the bereaved families, the Kasuwan Maigani community as well as the people and government of Kaduna State.

“He prays for the quick recovery of those who sustained injuries during the incident’’.

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