Cross River inaugurates health emergency response team

Governor Ben Ayade

Governor Ben Ayade of Cross River State

Governor Ben Ayade of Cross Rivers

The Cross River Government has inaugurated its Health Emergency Response Team to curb emerging disease outbreaks and the rising cases of drug abuse among youths in the state.

Inaugurating the team on Monday in Calabar, Dr Inyang Asibong, the state Commissioner for Health, said that the initiative followed the rising cases of drug addiction among youths in the state.

According to Asibong, the team will also collaborate with the Ministry of Health to clamp down on the users and purchasers of hard drugs within the state.

She said that the team would also be mobilised to organise sensitisation and awareness programmes on the dangers of drug abuse.

“The incessant drug abuse among our youths has become very worrisome. We are setting up this team to help these youths find their way back to society through guidance and counselling.

“We have some typical areas in Calabar metropolis where drugs such as cannabis, codeine, cocaine, tramadol and others are highly consumed by our youths.

“As a state, we were also affected by Lassa fever, diarrhoea, meningitis and other deadly diseases.

“This team will also help us in quick response to some of these disease outbreaks to prevent further spread.

“The state government places a premium on the health of her citizenry; we must do our best in sustaining government’s effort by urging our youths to steer clear hard drugs,’’ she said.

Mrs Patience Uke, the State Epidemiologist, said that the objective of the team was to investigate, verify and report any disease outbreak in the state.

Uke said that the team would also provide technical support to all the 18 local government areas during outbreaks.

According to her, the team will also propose and plan appropriate measures for containment of the epidemics to the State Disease Surveillance and Response Committee.

Dr Tom Igbu, the state Coordinator of World Health Organisation, said that the team was very crucial in terms of health emergencies.

Igbu urged the team to work very hard by sensitising the youths on the need to shun intake of illicit drugs.

Members of the committee included some officials from the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), Navy, Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN), National Orientation Agency (NOA) and State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA).

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