Tactical Squad, Intelligence Team critical to checking crimes - IGP


Ex- IGP Ibrahim Idris: says he is not playing politics in Niger

IGP, Alhaji Ibrahim Idris

The Inspector-General of Police (I-G), Mr Ibrahim Idris, said that the Special Tactical Squad (STS) and Intelligence Response Team ( IRT) units of the Nigeria Police Force were instrumental to the successes recorded by the force.

Idris disclosed this at the inauguration of the office complex for the units on Friday in Abuja.

“These units I must say have actually been very instrumental to the successes made so far to the police under my watch,” he said.

He said that the call for the scrapping of the Special Anti Robbery Squad (SARS) by some Nigerians would be detrimental to the country.

Idris said that the activities of some members of the units were not enough to scrap the squad.

The police boss said that the units were responsible for investigation of heinous crimes like terrorism, robbery, kidnapping, cattle rustling among others.

He said that the decision to build offices for the unit was to provide a comfortable accommodation for the staff for effective performance.

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Idris called for the support and cooperation of members of the public in the fight against crime and criminality.

Earlier, the Commander of STS, DCP Kolo Yusuf, said that since the creation of the units, it had arrested 435 armed robbers and kidnappers.

He said that out of the number arrested, 298 were charged to court for prosecution, while two personnel lost their lives in an encounter with bandits.

The commander said that within the period also, 2,037 arms were recovered from criminals.

He said that the unit was established in June 28, 2016 with 87 personnel, which had increased to 416 including sectors in Lagos, Anambra, Sokoto, Zamfara, Edo, Akwa Ibom, Rivers, Maiduguri, Benue and Niger.

He commended the police boss for his unflinching support and encouragement in the course of building the office complex.

“We are using this medium to re-assure the I-G of our determination and commitment to fight crime and criminality in the country.

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