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Ex-head of state urges politicians to shun politics of bitterness


General Abdulsalami Abubakar

Gen. Abdulsalami Abubakar,

Former military Head of State, Gen. Abdulsalam Abubakar (rtd) on Tuesday enjoined politicians to shun politics of bitterness and hatred.

Abubakar made the call after the Eid el Kabir prayers at the Minna Central Mosque.

“ Nigeria’s political space is been needlessly heated up by politicians, enduring political culture can only be built when politicians adhere to the rules of the game,’’ he said.

He noted that leadership comes from God therefore politicians should understand that God bestows same on whomever He wishes.

According to him, with such understanding, the prevailing issue of do-or-die politics should not arise in our country.

The former military leader said that there were lots of positive developments in the Nigeria political scene,showing that the country was growing politically.

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“The coming 2019 general elections will be a test case that Nigeria’s democracy has come of age,’’ he said.

He advised citizens to put aside their differences by ensuring hitch free polls come 2019 in order to develop Nigeria.

Abubakar urged Muslims to imbibe the exemplary life style of Prophet Muhammad and the lessons of Eid el Kabir by living in peace with people of other faith.

Also, Malam Isa Fari, Chief Imam , Minna Central Mosque called on Muslim faithful to internalise and practice the core lessons of the festival which essentially reinforces the spirit of sacrifice, tolerance, sympathy, devotion to duty, and the promotion of harmonious coexistence.

Fari urged wealthy Muslims to assist the needy and vulnerable in the spirit of love and brotherhood of Islam.

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