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United States: Stacey Abrams vows to sue Georgia over messed-up governorship poll


Stacey Abrams, Democrat who wants to be first female African-American governor

Stacey Abrams, Democrat who wants to be first female African-American governor

Democrat Stacey Abrams, who was hoping to be the first African-American female governor in the United States, said she will file a federal lawsuit to challenge the “gross mismanagement” of the state of Georgia elections.

Abrams made the comments in a Friday speech, shortly after she said she could no longer win the race, effectively ending her challenge to Republican Brian Kemp.

She said: “In the coming days, we will be filing a major federal lawsuit against the state of Georgia for the gross mismanagement of this election and to protect future elections.”

Kemp is Georgia’s former secretary of state. Abrams and voting rights activists have argued for months that Kemp mismanaged the elections system in his post.

He was backed by President Donald Trump.

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The midterm election was held on 6 November.

The final result had been in doubt for 10 days after the election.

After a court-ordered review of absentee, provisional and other uncounted ballots, Abrams’ campaign had contended there were potentially enough uncounted votes to force a runoff.

But it was not to be.

According to AP, unofficial returns show Kemp with 50.2 percent of more than 3.9 million votes.

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