Man Utd have spent £700m but needs more quality to compete - Neville


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Former Manchester United player, Gary Neville believed that the Red devil has spent a whole lot of money but are still behind Liverpool and Manchester city in terms of quality.

He added that he believes the current manager (Solskjaer), has what it takes to improve the squad but also needs to get more quality players.

Neville told Sky Sports: “Over the last six or seven years, United have put £700m into that squad, and they’re still falling well short of where Liverpool and Manchester City are at the moment – they’re 16-18 points behind.

“So what you have to look at is how United bridge that gap, and yes they will do that through the spirit that Solskjaer has created, but they have to get better players on the pitch that can compete with Liverpool and City to go along with some of the very good players they’ve already got.

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“United have a big, big job. There are four or five players that Solskjaer will want to keep that are out of contract and he needs to tie down. There are four or five players he will need to bring in, and there are probably four or five players that he needs to get out.

“If you think about that in terms of the job over the next two or three months, you’ve got probably 12 live situations; four players to sign new contracts, four players to get into the club, four players to get out for the most money possible.

“That needs a good ‘wheeler-dealer’ behind the scenes, someone who can manage that situation. United haven’t been brilliant at that in the last few years.

“I think that’s the big job. That’s not Solskjaer’s job, but it will determine the outcome of his success in terms of the future.”

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