My Bestie didn't call me after engagement - Laura Ikeji

Laura Ikeji

Laura Ikeji

Everybody that smiles or jokes with you is not your real friend, some do not really wish you well even though they act like they do!

31 year old imo state born award winning fashion blogger and brand influencer Laura Ikeji reveals how her best friend did not congratulate her when she got engaged.

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Laura says it was after 2 years she received her bestie’s call, so beware of friends… She wrote the post below:

So I had this one best friend, who lived with me and eventually moved out when she got her own spot. Every time this lady will tell me how she can’t wait for me to find my Mr right and how she wishes me a happy fairytale ending. So one beautiful evening I left the store to go meet my man and that evening I got engaged. I got calls from all over the world, everyone called me except the bestie I left 30 mins ago. She didn’t call me till after 2 years. LOL. We re cordial now but dang she didn’t call for 2 years and well I didn’t call neither. Thing is, not everyone who wishes u well actually wishes u well. Think about it hun.

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