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Paul Adefarasin eulogizes late dad

Paul Adefarasin

Paul Adefarasin: Founder of House on the Rock.

Paul Adefarasin

House on the rock pastor – Paul Adefarasin pours encomium on his late dad Justice Joseph Adetunji Adefarasin, a Nigerian High Court judge, born in Ijebu-Ode, He was the President of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies from 1977 to 1981 and he died 30 years ago.

Adefarasin remembering his dad wrote quite an epistle on the late judge:

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Dad, the principles with which you led your life are universal principles of charity, integrity, justness, justice, and respect and regard for others built on an understanding of the vulnerabilities that all of humanity share. Not surprising that till date, you are widely revered by your professional colleagues for the forthrightness and honesty with which you served as one of the earliest and the longest serving Chief Justices and Chief Judge of Lagos State.
Through your sacrifice and unwavering leadership and, perhaps most of all, through your moral example, you embodied Christ and became the living bible the entire read, serving humanity as – President of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies from 1977 to 1981 (and the only black person to hold this position and be awarded the Henry Dunant Medal, which is the highest World Red Cross Award), President of the Nigerian Red Cross, Diocesan Lay Reader, Co-Founder of the National Prayer Breakfast, Patron of several Christian and Christian Youth Societies, Leader of vigorous Prison Ministries, Mentor to several benches and barristers, Chancellor of the Anglican Diocese, Philanthropist in Education, Chair of the Police Service Commission, gladsome husband of one of Nigeria’s foremost feminists and women’s rights champions, Hilda Adefarasin.
Thank you for modelling ministry, matrimony, honour, patriotism, parenting, pastoring, Christianity, courage, love, hope and joy.

Joseph Adefarasin

Today, you would have been celebrating your centenary. Even though you are not physically present amidst us, who you are and your purposeful legacy lives on, not only through your children but also through the many thousands that you mentored and fathered in your various spheres and in diverse ways.
The most extraordinary thing about you, Daddy, was your ordinariness and humility. You were very knowledgeable, yet, you never drowned any one in the vast depth of your intellect in conversation. You were a kind, caring and doting father that was approachable – you made it easy for me to relate to my Father in heaven, for which I am deeply grateful. Indeed, you were a particularly fine example of humanity and the kindness of divinity combined. I am most proud to be your son and often remember you very fondly, especially today, that would have been your 100th birthday.
It’s been 30 years since you passed to Glory. We all are still guided by your faith and your words and wisdom.
Daddy, from where you sit cheering, I’d still like to know how you think I’m doing.
See you again when the trumpet sounds. What a great day that will be!

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