Shiites: IMN suspends street protests after proscription


IMN reminds ICC of Zaria massacre. Above Shiites in a demonstration

Members of the Shiite group, Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN)

The Islamic Movement of Nigeria, IMN, has temporarily suspended its protests to call for the release of their leader, Ibrahim El-Zakzaky from detention after the federal government banned the group’s activities.

The group explained that the suspension of its street protests was to “allow for some new openings into the resolution of the problems, especially the court case instituted by our lawyers on the proscription order made by the federal government this week.”

An Abuja Federal High Court had on Friday ordered the proscription of IMN, following their clashes with security operatives.

The Justice Nkeonye Maha-led court designated the activities of IMN organisation in any part of Nigeria “as acts of terrorism and illegality.”

PM News also reports that the Inspector General of Police, Mohammed Adamu re-affirmed IMN’s proscription just yesterday.

However, the group’s President of Media Forum, Ibrahim Musa in a statement expressed hope that the matter surrounding the detention of El-Zakzaky would be resolved amicably.

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According to the statement, Musa said, “It has taken this step in good faith out of respect for some eminent people and groups, whose input in the resolution of the problems appears genuine and we sincerely hope an amicable way could be found to solve the crises surrounding the illegal detention of our leader for almost four years now.”

“If at all any protests occur anywhere in the country, it might be this notice hasn’t reached those in the field or this message is misunderstood or it is some security agents who are mischievously behind it as they have been doing in an attempt to smear our image and be seen as unruly people rather than as victims of savage oppression since 2015.”

“The Islamic Movement wishes to thank both national and international civil rights activists and organizations who have been busy demanding the protection of our fundamental human rights as enshrined in the constitution.”

“We also thank the press, both national and international, and the social media activists for the full coverage of our activities throughout the struggle for justice.”

“We are committed to exploring the new openings we have seen in resolving this protracted issue. We, therefore, reiterate our demand that our leader, his wife, and several others in detention be given their freedom denied to them since 2015.”

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