Video: Alex & family dance into 2020


Alex Unusual

Alex Unusual

Big Brother Naija former housemate, actress, event host, and dancer spent the new year with her entire family.

The writer and model shared a video of her siblings and parents competing with some dance moves this holiday season.

On her timeline, Alex wrote:


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People usually ask why I’m the way I am . Well, this is how we grew up, I was taught that if I take life too serious, I’ll die young. Happiness has been the order of the day in my family no matter what and this year, it’s Happiness all the way. Ladies and gentlemen, meet my dad, the man with the most difficult steps and the chief dancer as he calls himself (that’s why he tied wrapper) . Meet my mum, the one that hardly ever gets any step but will never agree to give way. Meet Alex unusual, the one that(I don’t even know ) . Meet Theodora @teez_dora, my sister. This one , all she knows is her 9-5. Dance? She is a flop . Meet @itz_collikazy my brother. The family artist. His hands are blessed trust me. He always likes to show himself sha. We’ll agree on steps and this human will scatter it. If I should start a show about my family, trust me you can’t deal. . In a nutshell, meet my world.
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