I'm hopelessly romantic about love - Haitian author, Merus

Francoise Merus

Francoise Merus

Francoise Merus

Haitian author, Francoise Merus who owns a social media platform called “BlackLovePage.com,” a cultural website celebrating black excellence and black love, has explained how she came about the passion. She seems obsessed with black love and rightly so, given her stirring stories of identity and childhood love.

Francoise lived most of her life in Haiti and United States of America, imbibing the cultures and ways of life until curiosity took her to have a DNA test to know her origin.

She discovered to her amazement and joy that she hails from the tribe of Ashanti, in Ghana. This, prompted her to visit Ghana and learn about her people.

“I have always seen myself as a Haitian until I took a DNA test and discovered I’m actually Ghanaian. My parents didn’t even know. I took an ancestry test and once I found out, I went to Ghana. Black people in the Islands are ignorant of their African history.

‘I am now on a mission to learn more about my roots and I want to give back more to Ghana. We have such a painful history with slavery but I know there is more to us than just that. Also, I want to share stories about Ghanaians and their love stories more on my platform. I feel a sense of obligation to give more light to my people,” she said.

Since she was a mere child, Francoise was obsessed with sharing stories that will uplift the world and to write beautiful poetry that will inspire anyone at any stage in life, which is also why she launched BlackLovePage.com to celebrate black love and black excellence.

She may have been influenced by her single parenthood childhood as she revealed in a recent interview and how she longed and still longs for love.

“Growing up, I did not have my father initially in my life so I’m sure that effected how I viewed love. My father got more in my life later on when I became an adult. I also always longed to have my own true love. I haven’t had that yet, so I am something like a hopeless romantic waiting on God to send me my husband. While I wait, I remain hopeful and pray that it will happen for anyone regardless of past hurt or not being married.

“I was born in Miami, Florida. Growing up my mother was a single mother. I did not grow up with my dad. At the time, he chose not to be in my life because he had other obligations. My mom sent me to live in Haiti with my grandmother while she got herself financially together. I then moved back to Miami once my mom felt stable enough to care for myself and my siblings again.

“We weren’t poor but we weren’t rich. We were just staying above water. I saw my mother struggled and it was always my motivation. My dream is to take care of my mother and show her a great life. I always knew who my father was but he wasn’t actively in my life. I think my mother struggling financially, my father not being there, living in Haiti, and wanting to live the American Dream has all tied into my love for love. And most importantly black love,” she said.

Francoise Merus grew up in Haiti as a child, then moved to Miami, Florida where she finished high school, then went to Barry University, also in Florida where she studied public relations

Francoise is also a world traveler, helping others to travel the world at affordable rates through a platform she created called TheUltimateTravelers.com. She’s a full time entrepreneur.

She’s a published author with four books to her credit. Her first book, “Today’s Insight: A Collection of Poems Volume 1 was published in 2015. In 2016 she published the Volume 2 of the book. In 2017, she published a self help book titled “My Season” and then her fourth book in 2019 titled “Protect Your Peace”. She writes about romance, urban fiction, and a lot of poetry and everything uplifting. She was born August 25, 1990.

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