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14 stunning facts about Tope Alabi’s daughter, Ayomikun



Tope Alabi and her daughter, Ayomikun

  By Nehru Odeh

Recently one Mayegun Olaoye, took to social media to claim paternity of Ayomikun Alabi, eldest daughter of popular gospel singer, Tope Alabi.

The man, who ostensibly hasn’t been in touch with Ayomikun since her birth 22 years ago, also questioned Ayomiku’s surname, Alabi.

However, Ayomikun, also a gospel artiste like her mother, has come out to clear the air, saying Soji Alabi is the only father she knows, adding that she will not bear the name of a man she never met and who never reached out to her in her 22 years of existence.

“I cannot bear his surname. How can I bear the surname of someone that I have never met? There is no sense in that. I do not even know his surname. How can I bear the name of someone I have never met?

“God knows my real father and everyone knows who my real father is. I did not know this man when I was in my crèche, daycare, primary, secondary or during my university days. I graduated and did not get a congratulatory message; absolutely nothing from him,” she said.

However, Ayomikun recently posted a photo of her and Soji Alabi, the man she calls dad, saying: “Love of my life. Father like no other, I love you pah.”

Here are stunning facts about Ayomikun.

1.  She was born on 7 May 1998 in Lagos.

2. She graduated from Bowen University Iwo at 22 this year with a second class upper degree in music.

3. Her mother initially wanted her to study medicine but she chose music.

4. She is, like her mother, Tope, a gospel singer.

5. She released her debut single, A Friend, featuring her mother, this year.

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6. She said she featured her mum because she was not only the brain behind the song but she also inspired it.

7. Her mother respects for the good lyrics she writes.

8. She once said in an interview that she wanted to explore music full time because that is what God had called her to do.

 9. She said she would have loved to be either an actress or a movie producer had God not called her to be a gospel minister.

 10. Aside being a gospel artiste like her mother she composes her song based on the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. “Just like Tope Alabi, I usually wait on the Holy Spirit to inspire me and when He does, I do as He instructs, she said.

11. She also once said her mother’s fame would be an advantage to her as a singer, though in the end people would differentiate them.

“When you have a mother like mine, people would expect you to do just like her or maybe a lot more but in the end, God decides how he wants to use us individually. I think that my mother’s identity will make me easily recognised as a gospel artiste. But in the end, people would differentiate us not for bad; but for good … It is a blessing and opportunity to be the daughter of such a wonderful musician but at the same time, it feels normal,” she averred

12. She also said she is not pressurized by anyone and that she didn’t develop interest in music because of her mum but because she loves singing and was called by God to do so.

“People expect me to dress or act a certain way but I am not pressured by anything or anyone. I didn’t develop interest in music because of my mum. I just really love singing and I’m also called by God to do this. Left to me, I would have loved to be an actress or a movie producer,” she explained.

13. She once said the best advice she got from her mother is that humility will take one to places one does not imagine, it can take one to the end of the world.

14. She once said she is proud of her mother and her parents.

“My mother’s popularity is because of the kind of songs she sings. They touch everybody one way or the other. In fact, there is nowhere I go to without people who know my mother pointing at me as Tope Alabi’s daughter. I know that it is because of her good works and personality. I feel happy always that she is my mother. I am proud of her. I am proud of my parents,” she said.

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