18th December, 2021
David Troyer, General director of the U.S. Christian Aid Ministries has sent a message to Haitian gang, who kidnapped 17 members in October.
“We do not know all of the challenges you face. We do believe that violence and oppression of others can never be justified”, Troyer said in a message after the 17 hostages have been released.
“You caused our hostages and their families a lot of suffering.
“However, Jesus taught us by word and by His own example that the power of forgiving love is stronger than the hate of violent force.
“Therefore, we extend forgiveness to you. The hostages told you plainly how you can also be forgiven by God, if you repent.
“Our desire is that you and all who hear or read this statement may come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, our Saviour, the Son of God, and the Prince of Peace. Jesus died for all so that all can be saved”, Trevor.
Troyer also gave some insight into the experience of the kidnappers with the gang, while pleading with the media to respect the privacy of the victims.
“They were kidnapped a short time after leaving an orphanage where they had verified aid received from Christian Aid Ministries. They had an enjoyable time playing with the children there.
“As they became aware of what was happening at the time of capture, the group began singing the chorus, “The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them,” based on Psalm 34:7. This song became a favourite of theirs, and they sang it many times throughout their days of captivity.
“The hostages were able to spend their captivity together as a group. They spent many hours of each day praying, singing, and encouraging each other. Unfortunately, they did not have a Bible, but they recited Bible verses by memory among themselves. They prayed for their captors and told them about God’s love and their need to repent.
“Although we are deeply relieved and rejoice greatly that the hostages are free at last, we realize their journey back to normal life has only begun. They and their families need your continued prayers, support, and encouragement”, he said.
Troyer said all the 17 staff members of Christian Aid Ministries who were held hostage in Haiti by the 400 Mawozo gang had been ferried to U.S.
“Everyone, including the 10-month-old baby, the 3-year-old boy, and the 6-year-old boy, seem to be doing reasonably well”, he said.
Read the full statement here