ICYMI: Rep. Shina Peller stung by NSCDC

Shina Peller

Shina Peller

Rep Shina Peller has drawn the anger of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) after he introduced a bill proposing to merge it with the Nigeria Police Force.

In what was perhaps an overreaction, the NSCDC withdrew its personnel attached to the lawmaker representing lseyin/ltesiwaju/Kajola/lwajowa federal constituency of Oyo State.

NSCDC said the withdrawal was for “an urgent national security assignment”.

The letter to the lawmaker was signed by the Head of Administration, Oyo State Command of the Corps, Sotito Igbalawole.

According to the letter with reference number, NSCDC/OY/173/VOL.III/196, titled, “Withdrawal of Personnel,” the directive for the withdrawal of personnel from the Oyo lawmaker was given by the Commandant General of the Corps, Ahmed Abubakar Audi.

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“Following the directive of the Commandant General on the necessity of the deployment of the command personnel for an urgent national security assignment; on behalf of the state commandant, I hereby withdraw all personnel attached to you.

“This is to meet up with the urgent national need. All inconvenience this might cause is highly regretted,” Igbalawole wrote.

The proposed legislation was titled National Security And Civil Defence Corps (Repeal and Transition) Bill 2022, which passed the first reading on the floor of the House of Representatives on Tuesday.

The Bill seeks to repeal the National Security and Civil Defence Corps (Amendment) Act 2007, establish a transition management committee to superintend over the NSCDC, develop regulations and implement procedures for the transfer of assets and personnel of the corps to the Nigeria Police, and other related matters.

NSCDC letter to Peller

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