Emir of Kontagora lauds AEDC for improved power supply

Emir of Kontagora Alhaji Barau Muazu

Emir of Kontagora Alhaji Barau Muazu

By Aminu Garko/Kontagora

The Emir of Kontagora Alhaji Barau Muazu II has lauded the Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC) for an improved power supply in the area.

Muazu spoke at his palace on Friday while hosting Alhaji Mahamud Keni, Regional Manager, AEDC at his palace.

The Emir said that the improved power supply has enhanced small scale business in the entire emirate.

” We will mobilise our people to ensure prompt payments of electricity bills for effective service delivery”,he said.

He said that district and ward heads have been contacted to sensitise residents on the need to safeguard power facilities and ensure prompt payment of electricity bills.

” We will reach out to consumers to do everything possible to safe all facilities against vandalism for constant power supply.

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The Emir urged energy consumers to report any form of vandalism of the company’s properties as well as consumers who do not pay for power supply but have acquired it illegally.

He said that it was the duty of residents, who pay their bills regularly, to assist the company to monitor illegal reconnections and report such to the authority concern.

Alhaji Mahamud Keni, Regional Manager, AEDC, Niger region congratulated the Emir over his well deserved appointment and prayed to Allah to guide him as he administers the affairs of the emirate .

He informed the Emir that the AEDC had highlighted a lot of challenges facing electricity supply in the state and perfected strategies on how to tackle them to ensure uninterrupted power supply.

“We have succeeded in replacing all the damaged facilities responsible for the epileptic power supply experienced in all parts of our state .

” We are soliciting the support of the royal father to assist in mobilizing consumers on the need to pay for electricity bills and prevent vandalisation of our equipment for more improved service delivery,” he said.( NAN)

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