Olota hails Gov. Abiodun, pledges support for second term bid

Olota of Ota and Gov. Abiodun

Olota hails Gov. Abiodun, pledges support for second term bid

The Olota of Ota, Oba Adeyemi Obalanlege, has applauded the Ogun State Government for taking the initiative to repair federal government roads which are in bad shape around Ota and its environs.

Oba Obalanlege gave the commendation when he led Awori Obas under the aegis of Awori Obas Forum and the Olota in-Council on a courtesy call on the State governor, Prince Dapo Abiodun, in his office at Oke-Mosan Abeokuta.

He noted with dismay the poor condition of federal roads in the town, which he said had caused the people a lot of hardship.

The Oba noted that state governments has no business in repairing roads that belongs to the government at the centre, but regretted that long years of neglect has led some State governments to take responsibility in fixing the roads to reduce the suffering of their people.

“Let me say that in the first place, it is not the job of the State governments to take over federal roads but because the federal government has refused to put these roads in order that is why the Ogun State Government wants to put them back in order and that will help the people of Ota and other Awori axis”.

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” So whatever is going to make the people happy, that is going to reduce the suffering of our people, we are fully in support. All the Awori Obas are in support of the governor in ensuring that theses roads are rehabilitated”, the monarch said.

He advised the federal government to concede the roads to state governments for prompt repair and pay them base on kilometres of federal roads that pass through their State.

On the reason for the visit, the Awori top traditional ruler said he and others rulers are impressed with the performance of the governor in the last three years, saying all parts of the State, including Awori land, has benefited from the projects executed by the government.

” We are pleased with the good work he has been doing and to assure him of our support in the coming election. He has done wonderfully well and we believe that by the time he return to office for a second term, he will do more and better.

“We, members of Awori Obas Forum, in Ogun State and the Olota in-Council, are together and we want to assure the governor that we will support him. With our daughter, they are going to perform very well in their second term in office”, Oba Obalanlege submitted.

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