Kogi flood victims get N70m donation

Kogi flood victims

Kogi flood victims get N70m donation

Succour came the way of flood victims in Kogi on Saturday with N70 million donation by Mr. Yakubu Ajaka, Deputy National Publicity Secretary of the All Progressives Congress (APC).

Ajaka said the donation was due to the devastating effects of the flooding in the state this year.

Ajaka said the donation was aimed at alleviating the sufferings of the victims in the affected Local Government Areas (LGAs).

He explained that Lokoja, Ajaokuta, Ibaji, Bassa, and Koton Karfe LGAs were to get N10 million each, while Igalamela-Odolu, Idah, Omala and Ofu LGAs were to receive N5 million each from the fund for disbursement to the victims.

“I was so moved by what my eyes saw when I visited victims in the affected local government areas and decided to do something to assist.

“As my widow’s might, l made a donation of N70 million to the eight local government areas badly affected in the state,” said the statement.

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According to him, the stipulated amount he donated has been received by designated officials in each of the local government areas, who will map out strategies to ensure that the funds reach the victims.

He said: “With the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) properly documented with the maximum cooperation given by the local government chairmen and other stakeholders, I’m very sure there will be fairness and equity in the distribution of the funds.”

He warned that the beneficiaries should not be determined by a party or religious affinity as the natural disaster was all-encompassing.

“Let no individual or group see the gesture as an avenue to victimize anybody on the basis of political party, ethnic or religious affiliation.

“I expect the monitoring committee and chairmen of those local governments to work on the modalities to achieve fairness and transparency,” he said.

The deputy publicity secretary, however, commended the efforts being put in place by the Gov. Yahaya Bello-led administratIon in distributing Phase I of the relief materials to flood victims.

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