Muslims, Christians in Borno indivisible family - Gov. Zulum

Governor Babagana Zulum

Governor Babagana Zulum of Borno State

The Borno governor, Babagana Zulum has said Muslims and Christians in the state are bound together by blood, making them indivisible by any factor.

Zulum said this in his Christmas message issued by his Special Adviser on Communications and Strategy, Mallam Isa Gusau, Saturday, felicitating with Christians in Borno.

He also urged Christians in Nigeria to use the occasion to pray for a peaceful and hitch-free 2023 general election.

“I happily felicitate our Christian brothers and sisters in Borno at the Christmas festival being held this weekend.

“In our shared creed of hospitality for which Borno has been known, I respectfully urge celebrants, especially those with means, to extend compassionate support to relatives, neighbours and friends, with less means to enjoy the festival.

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“As we know, in Borno, we are uniquely bonded by interesting instances of families, in which siblings from the same parents, parents themselves and extended relatives are Christians and Muslims with the same blood in their veins.

“This, in addition to being fellow Nigerians, makes us one indivisible family in Borno for which we must continue to respect each other’s beliefs,” Zulum was quoted as adding.

The governor urged Nigerians, particularly religious leaders to pray for the country.

“I humbly urge all Nigerians to pray for a peaceful transition, especially at the presidential level, pray for all parts of our country to fully regain peace and stability, pray for our continued unity, our economy and our overall prosperity, Zulum said.

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