Peter Obi: I will not endanger peace of Nigeria

Peter Obi

Peter Obi

The candidate of the Labour Party, Peter Obi, has promised that he will not endanger the relative peace existing in Nigeria in his challenge of the results of the February 25 presidential election.

Obi said this while reacting to a viral statement in which he was quoted as saying that he never lost an election; that he would fight and “bleed to death until” his mandate is restored; that he would drag “INEC until there will be no life left in them”; that he was “looking forward to jailing all that partook in this scam and fraud called election”, among others.

But Obi who spoke through his Media Adviser, Mr. Valentine Obienyem, said he never uttered or issue any such statement.

He therefore described it as not only false, but also mischievous, misleading and out of character.

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The former Anambra State Governor added that insofar as he believed that the election was gravely flawed, as being attested to by everybody that was part of the process, he would continue to pursue the recovery of the stolen mandate through the legal process.

“I have worked through similar paths in the past and was successful. I shall follow the same path without endangering the relative peace in the country, which is actually what those election riggers are striving desperately to upset”, Obi said.

He therefore appealed to members of the “Obidient” family and all men and women of goodwill to remain calm, prayerful and be alert to the events in the country.

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