Singer Portable arraigned for assault


Portable in Court

Entertainer Habeeb Okikiola aka Portable has been arraigned by Ogun state police command on six counts bordering on assault.

The “Zazu Zeh” crooner was arraigned at the Ifo High Court in Ogun State on Monday morning.

Policemen had on Thursday stormed Portable’s office and the singer had resisted arrest.

He was subsequently taken into custody on Friday.

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On Saturday, Force Public Relations Officer, Muyiwa Adejobi said portable has more than six charges to attend to apart from resisting arrest and injuring a policeman.

“He will be charged to court for beating up a guy in Ota, who filed a petition to CP Ogun,” Adejobi tweeted.

“There are many pending cases of assaults on people and attacks, and he will be investigated because people have complained against him.

“So, there is no sentiment in law, let him appear in court, and allow the judge to listen to the charges against him. He has no constitutional immunity anyway.”

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