Tears as 29-year-old lawyer killed by kidnappers is buried

Naomi Stanley Mshiela:

Naomi Stanley Mshiela: Allegedly killed by kidnappers

By Nehru Odeh

Naomi Stanley Mshiela, the 29-year-old lawyer and only child of her parents killed by kidnappers was buried at Gudu Cemetery in Abuja on Thursday 27 April, 2023.

The service of song for the deceased held on Wednesday at Family Worship Centre, Wuye, Abuja.

Though information about her death is still sketchy at the time of filing this report, one Pastor Yakubu Musa said the deceased, who is the only child of her parents was killed by kidnappers.

Evelyn H. Onyilo, President/founder of Initiative for Women’s Accelerate Development in Africa also mourned her on Facebook

“My dear Baby girl. You were committed to mother earth today amidst tears from all of us. Those that cut short your life will never go scot-free.

“They will be brought to justice and pay for this heinous crime. Sleep my baby. Rest in the bosom of the Lord my Barrister Naomi Stanley Mshelia,” she wrote.

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