June 12: Sanwo-Olu to lay wreath at Abiola's grave

Sanwo-Olu’s official portrait

Governor of Lagos State, Babajide Sanwo-Olu

By Kazeem Ugbodaga

Lagos State Governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, will join millions of Lagosians on Monday to celebrate June 12 Democracy Day in the State.

A statement issued by his Media Adviser, Gboyega Akosile, on Sunday, said Sanwo-Olu would observe the 30th anniversary of the June 12, 1993 election believed widely to have won by the late Chief MKO Abiola.

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“He will join leaders of pro-democracy groups and Civil Society Organisations to celebrate the acclaimed freest and fairest poll in the political history of Nigeria.

“Sanwo-Olu will deliver a Keynote Speech at the 30th Anniversary of June 12, organized by Alliance For Yoruba Democratically Movements, themed: “30 Years After June 12: Tactics and Strategy for Sustainable Democracy in the Future Years,” the statement said.

The statement said the governor would also take part in a procession to the residence of the winner of the June 12, 1993 presidential election, Late Chief Moshood Kashimawo Olawale (MKO) Abiola, to lay a wreath at the grave of the deceased.

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