Yahoo Boy to clean EFCC premises for 3 days



By Uche Bibilari

An FCT High Court on Thursday ordered Okwo Mark to clean the premises of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) for three days for internet fraud.

Mark was docked by the EFCC for pretending to be Stella Coleman, an American citizen, working as an FBI agent.

He pleaded guilty to the charge and begged the court for leniency.

Delivering judgment, Justice Aliyu Shafa, sentenced also Mark to three months imprisonment or to pay a fine of N50,000.

The judge ordered Mark to clean the EFCC office from 8 a.m. to noon, under the supervision of an official of the Legal Department.

He ordered that the phone used by the convict to perpetuate the crime be destroyed, adding that it should be burned and evidence of the destruction should be brought before the court.

“I have carefully listened to the plea of allocutions made by the said convict and the Defence Counsel.

“The rate of internet fraud especially among youths in the society is so alarming and the court will not allow the convict to go unpunished as this will serve as a deterrent to others that wants to toll the same path,” he ruled.

Shafa ordered that the proceed from the crime which was 500 U.S. Dollars be returned to the nominal complainant and the receipt brought back to the court as evidence as this will help to portray the country well.

Earlier, the convict had pleaded with the court to tamper justice with mercy, adding that he would not indulge in such an act again. I promise I will not engage in such an act again,” he pleaded.

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The Defence Counsel, Ms B.E. Danjuma, in support of the allocutus by the convict, told the court that Mark, who had no previous conviction record in Nigeria was remorseful and repentant.

“Mark is a young man who was cut up with bad company. He is just 21 years with a promising future. He regrets the consequences of his act.

“The convict has shown remorse and genuinely repented over the crime he has committed against the nation, by way of expressing genuine repentance he has restituted the proceed of the crime which is the sum of 500 U.S dollars.

“The convict is a first-time offender. We urge my Lord to tamper justice with mercy,” she pleaded.

The EFCC Counsel, M.M.Gwani, told the court that Mark some time in 2022 within the jurisdiction of the Court cheated.

Gwani said that the convict deceived while pretending to be Stella Coleman an American citizen working with an FBI agent.

He said that the convict cheated by inducing Arnold under the pretence to deliver to him 500 U.S Dollars which the convict used for his personal use.

He said the offence contravened the provisions of Section 320 of the Penal Code Act Law of the Federation (Abuja), 1990 and was punishable under Section 322 of the same Act.

He pleaded with the court that the instrument used for the crime be forfeited and the proceeds returned to the complainant.


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