Primate Ayodele places 'Agbako' on lifetime salary, unveils plan for Nollywood

Primate Ayodele

Primate Ayodele places 'Agbako' on life salary, unveils plan for Nollywood

The Leader Of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church, Primate Elijah Ayodele has donated the sum of N500,000 to veteran Nollywood actor, Charles Olumo Aka Agbako.

The cleric also placed the veteran actor on life salary.

This was announced at an event held in Abeokuta on Thursday, 20th Of July, to celebrate his 100th birthday.

The event which was to decorate Primate Ayodele as the life patron and spiritual father of the Theatre Arts And Motions Pictures Practitioners Association Of Nigeria (TAMPAN) had several Nollywood actors and actresses including Bolaji Amusan (Mr Latin), Odunlade Adekola, Yemi Solade, Charles Olumo, Owolabi Ajasa.

While speaking on the reason for the conferment of Life Patron on Primate Ayodele, The Ogun state TAMPAN president, Owolabi Ajasa stated that the cleric ultimately deserves it due to his prophetic prowess that spreads across the globe.

He noted that the decision-making board of the association attested to the credibility of Primate Ayodele.

He further appreciated the cleric for accepting the position and making himself available for the event despite his busy schedule.

“When we had it in mind that we want to do this inauguration, we had meeting with our executive and one of our secretary said there’s one prophet in Lagos that sees things before it happens. In the meeting, another person mentioned the same thing and said we should make you the life patron of the association.

“When I got back home, I searched the internet for your name and saw the many things you have done. You truly deserves to be our spiritual father and our life patron”

“We want to thank you for accepting the honour and making yourself available despite your busy schedule. Thank you sir,” Ajasa stated.

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Also, Bolaji Amusan AKA Mr Latin showered praises on Primate Ayodele. Mr. Latin said he has been following the man of God for more than 30 years.

“For over 30 years, I have been a fan of Primate Ayodele, I listen to his prophecies at the end of each year, during election period. I know him as someone who always foretells events to happen around the world.

“You have proven once again that you are a true man of God. A man of God must be compassionate, humble, with everything God has given to you you still remain humble.”

In his reaction, Primate Ayodele appreciated the leadership of TAMPAN for considering him worthy of the recognition.

“I appreciate this group for recognizing me, state national and president. I appreciate your service to the country. I appreciate this group for recognizing me, state national and president. I appreciate your service to the country.

“By God’s grace, I will donate the sum of N500,000 to veteran actor, Charles Oluomo and place him on a monthly salary of 100k till his maker calls him home. Also, I will donate N500,000 to the association for this laudable event.

“I want you to come up with a foundation for the old veterans in the industry and include me in it. They don’t have to become beggars before they feed. This foundation will be responsible for their well-being and God’s willing, I will contribute my quota into it.

“I also want to urge that you engage in prayer programs for long life among actors and actresses. We don’t want the death of young ones in the industry, we need to get God involved in our affairs.”

While responding to the prophet’s donations, TAMPAN expressed gratitude and promised to speedily work on the requests made by Primate Ayodele.

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