5 famous Nollywood stars who are suffering

nollywood stars suffering

nollywood stars suffering

By Victoria Oluwayemi

In the glitzy world of Nollywood, where fame and fortune often take centre stage, the public is sometimes unaware of the personal struggles that some actors face behind the scenes.

Several notable Nollywood stars have recently come forward to share their tales of adversity, shedding light on the less glamorous aspects of their lives.

Chief Kanran’s Struggles: From Millionaire to Misfortune

Chief Kanran
Chief Kanran

Veteran Actor Olusegun Akinremi, a.k.a Chief Kanran, known for his portrayal of wealthy characters has experienced a sharp reversal of fortune. After facing jealousy and exclusion from roles, he ventured into independent work. Yet, his journey took a tragic turn as he encountered a series of misfortunes, including the breakdown of his four cars and the loss of movie and filming equipment worth over N500 million in a devastating fire. Pastor Agbala Gabriel and his team have recently extended their helping hands to Chief Kanran, offering a lifeline of support. In response, Chief Kanran expressed his immediate needs: a car, filming equipment to revive his career, and an avenue to launch a completed movie.

Ray Emodi: Struggling with Anxiety

Actor Ray Emodi
Actor Ray Emodi

Ray Emodi, a familiar face in Nollywood, bravely disclosed his ongoing battle with anxiety on his Instagram post. This revelation came alongside an announcement that he has been receiving treatment since 2015. Emodi expressed the need to prioritize his mental well-being, revealing that his doctors have advised him to avoid excessive stress, leading him to halt his movie production activities. In an earnest plea, Emodi asked for patience from those to whom he is financially indebted as he works towards refunds.

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Duro Michael: Battling with Diabetes and Financial Distress

Duro Michael
Duro Michael

Veteran Nollywood actor Duro Michael, whose infectious energy once graced the screens, now finds himself in the throes of a relentless battle with diabetes. This condition has taken a toll on his health and finances, with his harrowing journey beginning in 2020. Michael has expended his hard-earned saving in pursuit of a solution to his illness, even losing one of his limbs to diabetes. He currently relies on charitable support to make ends meet.

Ifeanyi Ezeokeke (‘Ugo Shave Me’): Mysterious Illness

Ifeanyi Eze
Ifeanyi Eze

Ifeanyi Ezeokeke, popularly known as ‘Ugo Shave Me’ in Nollywood, recently reached out for financial assistance due to a mysterious illness that has plagued him for over two years. Social media served as his platform to call for help, citing not only his dire situation but also the abject poverty he and his mother face.

Sule Suebebe: Mysterious Illness

Sule suebebe
Sule suebebe

Nollywood Yoruba actor Sule  Suebebe has been facing a perplexing illness affecting his legs. His health struggles have been a source of concern, and Pastor Agbala Gabriel and his team have stepped in to offer assistance.

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