Seminarian Stephen Danlami dies as bandits set Catholic Church ablaze in Kaduna



By Amen Gajira

A seminarian Stephen Danlami, has been burnt to death in an attack on the Saint Raphael Catholic Church Parish in Zangon Kataf Local Government Area of Kaduna state last Thursday night.

The gunmen suspected to be bandits had invaded the church, but could not gain access to the building. They thereafter set the house, a vehicle and a motorcycle parked on the premises ablaze, Kaduna Police spokesperson, ASP Manir Hassan, said.

The Police spokesperson said Danlami died from the smoke he inhaled while trying to escape from the raging fire, but two other priests inside the parish house were able to escape.

He said the police command has launched an investigation into the attack to bring the perpetrators to justice.

Meanwhile, Sen. Sunday Katung (PDP-Kaduna South) has condemned the attack. In a statement on Friday, Katung noted that such barbaric acts should never be allowed to continue.

He called on security agencies to carry out a one-month intensive operation on the forests in and around Southern Kaduna to decimate the bandits.

The lawmaker offered condolences to the family of the deceased and the entire Catholic Community in the area.

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“I am saddened by this news. It is even more sad that evil has once again visited our peaceful community.

“I unequivocally condemn this horrific terrorist attack that claimed the life of our young seminarian.

“Terrorism and violence against innocent citizens should never be justified nor be a part of our daily happening.

“Such a cowardly and callous attack on our communities must not be allowed to continue.

“My thoughts are with the victims’ family, friends, and the entire Catholic community in Kaduna South Senatorial District.

“The resurgence of terrorism on the Kaduna-Kachia Road by bandits is a direct affront on the federal government and in particular the security agencies.

“And this is the time to take the fight to the bandits and kidnappers,” he added

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