Jimoh Ibrahim empowers constituents with N30m, flags off road construction

Jimoh Ibrahim

Jimoh Ibrahim

Sen. Jimoh Ibrahim, (APC, Ondo South), is set to disburse N30 million to empower 100 constituents to mark his first 100 days in office.

Ibrahim, while speaking with newsmen on Sunday in Igbotako, Okitipupa Local Government Area of the state, also said that he would flag off road constructions and rehabilitation in the district.

The programme to mark his first 100 days in office will hold on Sept. 20 at the University of Fortune, Igbotako.

Ibrahim said that he would also present his scorecard on the bills sponsored and motion moved at the hallowed chamber.

“I have presented a bill for the establishment of Bitumen Development Commission, a bill on Insurance Ammendment Act of 2023 and facilitated N200 million for the contractor of Niger Development Commission (NDDC) to tackle the decades of blackout in the district.

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”I have moved a motion on Federal Government’s attention over sea incursion ravaging Ayetoro community and I have also seconded a motion for the election of the Senate President among others.

“100 constituents will collect a bank draft of N300,000 each as empowerment and we will also be flagging off road rehabilitations, maintenance and construction in our district from my own personal purse.

“We will also be inspecting no fewer than 400 solar panels installallationa in various communities in our district which are efforts to mark my 100 days in office,” he stated.

Earlier, Ibrahim who lectured some youths during a seminar tagged, “2nd Aseyori Seminar”, hinged on ‘Strategy and Innovation” as veritable tools to achieve set goals and aspirations.

He noted that the impact of independent and dependent variables which should not be underestimated form the basis of strategy and innovation t

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