Gunmen abduct CAC choir members going for burial programme in Ondo


Gunmen abduct Almajiri students

By Muftau Ogunyemi

A yet-to-be confirmed number of Christ Apostolic Church, CAC travelling for a burial programme have been abducted by gunmen at Ifon in the Ose Local Government Area of the state.

The abducted persons are choir members of the Christ Apostolic Church(CAC), Oke Igan, Akure, the state capital.

A family member of one of the abductees who pleaded anonymity confirmed that the church members were kidnapped at Elegbeka after Ifon in Ose council area while traveling for a burial ceremony.

“The vehicle conveying the kidnapped members who are choir members was seen abandoned by the roadside,” the woman said.

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SP Olufunmilayo Odunlami-Omisanya, Police Spokesperson in the state, who confirmed the abduction in a statement on Saturday, said the worshippers were kidnapped on Friday afternoon.

“Yesterday afternoon, the police were informed that a church bus with the inscription CAC was abandoned around Elegbeka area and there are suspicions that the passengers in the vehicle were kidnapped.

“The Police Anti-kidnapping squad and other tactical teams have been deployed to the area to rescue the victims and arrest all involved in the crime,” Odunlami-Omisanya said.

Owo-Ifon has been a nightmare for motorists due to incessant cases of kidnapping and armed robbery on the route.


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