Tribunal throws out Labour Party's petition against Gov. Fubara's victory

Rivers governor Siminialayi Fubara.

Rivers governor Siminialayi Fubara.

The Rivers State Governorship Election petition sitting in Abuja has dismissed the case of Labour Party against the victory of Simnalayi Fubara of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP).

Following the declaration of Fubara as the winner of the March 18 governorship election, the LP and the All Progressives Congress (APC) as well as their candidates filed a petition before the tribunal.

Fubara polled 302,614 votes to defeat his closet rival Tonye Cole of the APC who scored 95,274 votes while the Social Democratic Party (SDP) candidate, Senator Magnus Abe, and Itubo came a distant third and fourth with 46,981 and 22,224 votes respectively.

On September 13, the tribunal reserved judgment on the petition filed by Cole seeking the nullification of Fubara’s victory.

The three-member tribunal, led by Justice Cletus Emifonye, adjourned the matter for judgment after the parties adopted their final written addresses and presented their arguments for and against the petition.

However, ruling on the LP’s petition on Monday, the Justice Emifonye-led tribunal dismissed the petition for lacking in merit and for failing to prove their allegations.

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