Mixed reactions trail new video of veteran actor, Hanks Anuku


Hanks Anuku

By Taiwo Okanlawon

Fans of Actor Hanks Anuku have continued to question the state of his mental health following a video of the actor speaking in a manner that suggests he might be unstable.

The video of the actor who was spotted at the Northwest fuel station in Asaba started circulating on the internet on Wednesday.

In the video, Hanks Anuku was having a discussion with another man who was admiring a young lady who walked by. The actor was muttering several words that were hard to put together.

Before leaving the scene, Hanks Anuku mentioned that it was the birthday of Anambra-based cleric Chukwuemeka Ohanaemere alias Prophet Odumeje and he admires the man.

Several fans took tosocial media to react to the video.

Progeress Darlington wrote: “I thought they said he was acting if you are reading this comment may sickness and poverty be far from you.”

Adelaku wrote: “The first stage of getting help is knowing you need one and asking for such! Sadly, everyone except him thinks he needs help!”

“I’m not saying he takes drüg o but most of your faves take dr.ùg that affect them in future. His colleagues should come through for him not when otherwise,’ DJ Paris.

Questions about the actor’s mental health first started last year after a video of Hanks looking tattered on the streets went viral.

The footage generated reactions on social media as many speculated that the actor was mentally unstable while others claimed the video was from a movie set. However, the actor who reacted to the video accused people of trying to destroy his image.

Hanks Anuku, however, claimed he had been on set and the pictures and videos were being used to tarnish his reputation.

He wrote: “Tell all these motherf*ckers who write crap about me to stop writing about me and leave me alone. If they wanna act in the movie, they can Come to me. I’ve been on set and anyone using those pictures and videos on set to try and destroy my image, may the holy spirit forgive you.”

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