Why I wanted to quit acting and 'japa'- Lilian Afegbai

Lilian Afegbai

By Victoria Oluwayemi

Renowned Nigerian actress  Lilian Afegbai also known as Lily Afe, has revealed that she was planning to quit acting due to some challenges.

Earlier this year, she contemplated leaving acting and moving away from Nigeria due to the challenges she faced in the previous year.

In expressing her struggles, Afegbai revealed that 2022 was a difficult time for her, marked by episodes of depression, prompting her consideration to exit the entertainment industry and begin anew in a different location.

In her testimony, Afegbai recounted her resolution at the start of the year to step away from acting and refocus on her entrepreneurial ventures, potentially relocating for a fresh start.

Afegbai emphasized the importance of her intentional conversations with God and how her prayers were answered, leading to a transformative turnaround.

“Testimony time. Beginning of this year I wanted to Quit Acting, Entertainment Industry in general and just focus on my businesses and probably relocate [japa] and start from scratch. I spoke to God, I was Intentional about everything I asked of him. He listened to me and showed up.

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Acknowledging the hardships of the past, she emphasized the role of faith, noting that despite the moments of despair, divine intervention and unexpected support from individuals who recognized her talent reinforced her determination.

“Last year was horrible for me, I was in and out of depression. I felt horrible. Long story short, The only person that can really fix your situation is God. The people that showed up for me this year, some of them never knew me but they could spot my talent just by watching Akanchawa baddie story.

She expressed immense gratitude for persevering and encouraged others not to give up, emphasizing the power of entrusting one’s challenges to God.

“He used people I least expected to remind me of who he is. I just want to say I’m grateful for not quitting. Please even when it feels like it’s all over, Don’t give up. I know it’s hard, but truly when you hand it over to God. Go and sleep and the rest is history.

In a message directed at @kemiadetiba, she hinted at a forthcoming special acknowledgement and concluded her post by expressing her intent to share a more extensive testimony later, while expressing gratitude by saying, “Thank you, Jesus.”

@kemiadetiba I need to do a special post for you thank you. PS | I will share the bigger testimony soon, but for today just say thank you Jesus for me.”

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