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Kaduna communities collaborate to fight SGBV


The MUBUK Community Association has launched a groundbreaking initiative, seeking partnerships with relevant stakeholders and the government to combat Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) and related offences in society in Kaduna.

Project Manager, Hajiya Shafa’atu Jafar, unveiled the association’s new website, covering all 23 local government areas, designed for reporting SGBV cases involving children, women, and men.

The website aims to ensure prompt responses and actions by the local authorities to curb the menace.

Highlighting the importance of collaboration, Jafar emphasized the association’s readiness to work with the government and stakeholders in promoting social and legal protection for women and girls against SGBV.

Prof. Hauwa Evelyn-Yusuf from Kaduna State University emphasized the role of parental negligence in contributing to child abuse.

She urged the parents and the public to actively participate in the fight against SGBV, stressing the need for thorough investigations to secure convictions.

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Encouraging parents to speak out about abuse, Yusuf called for increased collaboration with law enforcement agencies and other stakeholders to address the issue effectively.

Isah Umar-Isa, presenting the project demo, explained that the MUBUK community represented Malali, Ungüwan Dosa, Badarawa, Unguwan-Kanawa, Unguwan Shanu and Kawo.

He introduced the “Woman’s Far Cry”, an E-reporting system designed to facilitate communication between the government and individuals while ensuring confidentiality.

He stressed the importance of collective efforts to address societal issues.


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