Late Akeredolu, a defender of a worthy cause - Alake

Solid Minerals Minister Dele Alake

Solid Minerals Minister Dele Alake

The Minister of Solid Minerals Development, Dr. Dele Alake has described the late Governor of Ondo State, Rotimi Akeredolu, as an irrepressible fighter and courageous defender of the people.

In his reaction to the demise of Akeredolu popularly known as “Aketi”, Alake stated that Ondo State has lost a gem and a quintessential progressive who is always at the forefront of defending his people and fighting for the emancipation of the downtrodden.

“I am deeply shocked by the loss of a brother and friend and indeed one of the leaders of the progressive movement, late Governor Rotimi Akeredolu.

“Akeredolu carved a niche for himself as a bold and irrepressible defender of the interests of Ondo people and the Yoruba nation. His voice resonated across the country as a lodestar in the struggle for the entrenchment of true federalism. As State Governor, he made the welfare of the people the focal point of governance.

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“Nigeria has lost a titan, but we are consoled by the fact that he left an indelible mark in the political firmament. I commiserate with President Bola Tinubu and the good people of Ondo State on this irreparable loss.

“May Aketi’s soul rest in the bosom of the Lord”


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