CAN President reacts to Plateau attacks, calls for unity among Nigerians


CAN President, Most Rev. Daniel Chukwudumebi Okoh

The President of the Christian Association of Nigeria, Archbishop Daniel Okoh, has called for unity among Nigerians even as the country struggles to battle insecurity.

Okoh made the call in his New Year message on Monday, reaction to the recent bandit attacks in some communities in Plateau State, which resulted in the death of about 148 persons and the destruction of 221 houses.

He said,  “As we stand at the dawn of a new year, I want to first express my deepest gratitude to Almighty God for His unfailing protection and mercies that have seen us through the year 2023. It is by His grace that we have been preserved, overcoming the trials and tribulations of the past year.

“We were shocked to find that, as the year drew to a close, the enemies of progress sought to cast a shadow over our joy with acts of extreme violence in some communities on the Plateau. In light of these distressing events, our prayers intensify for the souls we have lost and for the bereaved families.

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“In the face of these adversities, it is imperative that we, as a people, refuse to be discouraged. Instead, we must come together and remain resolute in our commitment to build a united, peaceful, and prosperous nation. It is in our togetherness that we find the strength to withstand the trials that beset us. In unity, there is hope, resilience, and the power to rebuild. Let us embrace our diversity and allow it to be the bedrock upon which we build a stronger, more harmonious nation”.



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