Rivers cult kingpin wanted for murder arrested after 3 years


Notorious Rivers cult kingpin, Barakui Amanyie, alias "Lawyer": Arrested three years after he was put on wanted list for murder

By Okafor Ofiebor/Port Harcourt

The Rivers State Police Command has arrested a suspected notorious Iceland cult leader Barikui Amanyie, aka ‘Lawyer’ in Eleme,Eleme local government area of the State.

The Police said the arrest was in response to a directive given by the Commissioner of Police, CP Olatunji Disu, to tactical units and Divisions to intensify efforts to apprehend all wanted criminals on the watch list of the Rivers State Police command.

Barikui, who hails from Kaanii in Khana Local Government Area of Rivers State, has been on the watchlist of the Police since December 31, 2021, when he and five other members of his gang murdered one Mr Lioneda Lebari.

According to the Command in a press statement signed by SP Grace Iringe-Koko it Spokesperson “On the fateful day, the deceased was tracked by the gang after withdrawing his annual savings of NGN150,000 from a local thrift collector. He was tracked to the Oil-Mill junction, where he was attacked by Barikui and his gang and stabbed multiple times. He was left to die of his wounds while they fled the scene of the crime.

Police said the Suspect, before his arrest, had been in hiding, switching hideouts regularly to evade arrest.

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However, on Friday, December 20, the Anti Kidnapping Unit of the Rivers State Police responded to a tip-off and apprehended the suspect in his hideout at Eleme. Among the items recovered from the suspect were locally made pistols and items suspected to be charms.

Police further said the suspect has confessed to the crime and has been charged on a two-count charge of murder and cultism.

“Investigations are still on as the Police to apprehend other members of the murderous gang.

“The Commissioner of Police expressed his satisfaction with the promptness of the men of the Rivers State Police Command in dealing with suspects on the Police watchlist.

“He further charged them not to relent in the campaign against crime as the command had begun gaining ground on crime and criminality in the state. He vowed that the Command would ensure that other members of the gang that murdered Mr Lebari would be brought to justice soonest.

“He also seized the opportunity to assure law-abiding residents of Rivers State that the Police will continue to give their utmost best to make the state as peaceful as possible,” the statement indicated.

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