Actor Stan Nze's wife, Blessing Obasi reveals late marriage struggles


Actor Stan Nze's wife, Blessing Obasi reveals late marriage struggles

By Oluwapelumi Oluwayemi

Blessing Obasi, the spouse of actor Stan Nze, has shared her account of marrying later in life, highlighting the challenges she faced due to societal norms and expectations.

In a heartfelt message posted on her Instagram page, she expressed how she felt like an outsider for years in a society that often values a woman’s worth based on her marital status.

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However, she emphasized that her decision to marry at an older age was a deliberate choice, representing a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and defiance against societal pressures.

Obasi described the pressure and stigma she encountered as burdensome shadows that haunted her, yet in moments of solitude, she found the strength to persevere.

In her words: “You know, I had to jump on this conversation because after several years of feeling like an outsider in a world that often equates a woman’s worth with her marital status, I’ve finally stepped into a chapter that I crafted on my own terms.
“Getting married at an older age wasn’t just a choice; it was a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and breaking free from societal norms that tried to dictate my happiness.
“The pressure and stigma were like unwelcome shadows, whispering doubts and casting long, lonely nights. But in those moments of solitude, I found strength. I learned that love isn’t a race, nor is marriage a trophy for early achievement. It’s about finding someone who understands the chapters of your past and wants to write the future ones with you.
“So here I am, not a bride of youthful naivety, but a woman adorned in the wisdom of her years, ready to embark on a shared journey of love, respect, and partnership. And to those still walking their path, remember: your life, your pace, your story. Embrace it.
“Thank you @joysoapng_ for giving your platform for these conversations to be had. We see you seeing us.”
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