Sales Manager defrauds employer of N35m, lands in prison

Lagos International Trade Fair Complex, Ojo, Lagos

By Paul Iyoghojie

The Nigeria Police at the Zone 2 Command, Onikan, Lagos have arrested a Sales Manager with Magnum Merchandise Limited located at Aspanda Market, Trade Fair Complex, Ojo, Lagos, Ifeanyi Ogbugo, 46, and dragged him before a Lagos Magistrate’s court for allegedly defrauding his employer, Mr. Magnum Ibe, the Managing Director of Magnum Mechandize Limited of the sum of N35m.

Police alleged that the defendant as a sales manager sold all the goods in his employer’s shop and converted the proceeds to his use instead of remitting the money into his employer’s account.

After an investigation by Inspector Jaspa Oparaji and his team, Ogbugo was charged before the Tinubu Magistrate’s Court in Lagos Island on a two-count charge bordering on Conspiracy and Stealing.

Police prosecuting counsel, ASP Francis Igbinosa told the court in the charge marked B/4/2024 that the defendant committed the offence on 23 August 2023 at Aspanda market, Trade Fair Complex, Ojo, Lagos.

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Igbinosa informed the court that the defendant betrayed the trust reposed in him by his employer as a sales manager, sold his goods valued at N35m entrusted in his care and allegedly converted the proceeds to his use instead of remitting the money into his employer’s account.

He said the offences committed were punishable under Sections 411 and 280 (1) (b) of the Criminal Law of Lagos State 2015.

The defendant, however, pleaded not guilty to the charges and Magistrate, B. A. Sonuga granted him N2m bail with two sureties in like sum.

Sonuga adjourned the case till 28 February 2024 for mention and ordered that the defendant be detained at the Ikoyi Correctional Facility till he perfected the bail conditions.

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