How Mr. Ibu died - Emeka Rollas


Mr. Ibu

By Kazeem Ugbodaga

National President of the Actor Guild of Nigeria (AGN), Emeka Rollas has revealed that popular Nollywood actor, John Okafor, known as Mr. Ibu died of cardiac arrest.

Rollas announced the death of Mr. Ibu on his Instagram page on Saturday night.

He described his death as sad and a sad day for the AGN.

“Mr Ibu suffered cardiac arrest according to his manager for 24 years Mr Don Single Nwuzor. I announce with deep sense of grief that Mr Ibu didn’t make it. May his soul rest in peace,” he said.

In October 2023, the actor revealed that he was suffering from an ailment that threatened to amputate one of his legs. He said he was struck by the problem while on a movie set with other Nollywood actors and actresses.

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Mr. Ibu had appealed to his fans and the public for prayers and financial assistance to cover his medical bills. He also shared a video of himself lying in a hospital bed, expressing his fear of losing his leg.

n November 2023, Okafor underwent a leg amputation after suffering from an illness that required seven surgeries.

His family said the amputation was done to keep him alive and increase his chances of recovery.

Mr. Ibu had acted in more than 200 Nollywood movies including Mr. Ibu (2004), Mr. Ibu 2 (2005), Mr. Ibu and His Son, Coffin Producers, Husband Suppliers, International Players, Mr.Ibu in London (2005), Police Recruit (2003), 9 Wives (2005), Ibu in Prison (2006) and Keziah (2007).


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