There's nothing left here, FCT Minister of State laments warehouse looting


By Paul Dada
The Minister of State, Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Dr. Mariya Mahmoud, has on Monday lamented the looting of a warehouse  at Gwagwa-Tasha by hoodlums.

Mahmoud  who made an assessment visit to the site, told reporters  that the Sunday’s looting was beyond hunger. She said it was  a criminal act.

She said: “We are here due to the unfortunate incident that happened early hours of yesterday (Sunday) where hoodlums attacked this very warehouse and packed everything that is here, including the fence.

“Not only the food items that are here, including the roofings, windows, and even the gates of this place and offices were all attacked.

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“You can see the level of damage. There is nothing that is left here, including machineries that are used for the processing of these things.

“As you have heard, people around, the youth of the environment or the community are suspected to have instigated this incident. So, this is a very sad event and we are not happy about it.”


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