Pro-Wike ex-Rivers Attorney-General under fire over claims against Fubara

Former Rivers Commissioner of Justice, Prof. Zaccheus Adangor and Gov. Siminalayi Fubara

By Okafor Ofiebor/ Port Harcourt

The immediate past Attorney-General and Commissioner of Justice in Rivers, Professor Zaccheus Adangor, SAN, has come under attack over allegations he made against Governor Siminalayi Fubara and the State University during his recent appearance on a television station.

Adangor had during his appearance on the television station claimed Fubara directed him to institute a court case against President Bola Ahmed Tinubu over the Peace Accord he brokered between the Governor and Nyesom Wike, the Minister of Federal Capital Territory.

Adangor also alleged that Fubara was not ready to make peace with the FCT Minister.

He also claimed that Governor Fubara had directed the Rivers State University, RSU, where was a lecturer and Professor of Law on official Leave of Absence not to re-engage him after he resigned from the cabinet.

Our Correspondent who has been following the developments since television appearance reports that in reaction, the Management of the Rivers State University Port Harcourt has dismissed the claim by the former Commissioner.

RSU, in a statement signed, Mrs. I. B. S. Harry, its Acting Registrar, described the claim by Prof. Adangor that Fubara has directed Management of the University not to accept him back after the end of his leave of absence as untrue.

The University said after his resignation as Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Prof Adangor is yet to apply to apply for resumption of duty at the institution contrary to his claim.

“We wish to state categorically that there has not been any directive by His Excellency, Sir Siminalayi Fubara, GSSRS, to the University Management not to accept Prof Adangor back to his duties as claimed in the said interview.

“The Management therefore advised the general public is advised to ignore such claim in its entirety as false.

Also, Joseph Johnson, Rivers Commissioner for Information and Communications dismissed as “blackmail, deliberate falsehood and an apparent after thought” claims by Adangor, that he resigned because Governor Fubara wanted him to institute a legal action against President Tinubu over the eight point contentious peace pact.

“That claim by Zaccheus Adangor, SAN to say the least, is a fallacy of the highest order. It is a clear fact that is already in the public domain that Mr. Adangor SAN personally stated in his letter of resignation on Ministry of Justice letter headed paper dated 24th April, 2024 upon his redeployment as Commissioner for Special Duties (Governor’s Office), wherein he said that he was not going to be reassigned, and added falsely that the Governor was interfering with his work.

Johnson stated that it is therefore so surprising that instead of clearing himself of the open declaration by His Excellency, Sir Siminalayi Fubara, that he (Adangor, SAN), is a saboteur, the learned Senior Advocate of Nigeria has whimsically resorted to cheap blackmail and barefaced falsehood.

“One would have expected the Senior Advocate of Nigeria to respond to that weighty accusation to clear his name and tainted image, instead of the resort to afterthought of twisting the facts, simply to divert attention.

“It is public knowledge that going by the governor’s antecedents, he cannot and will not and couldn’t have interfered with the work of the former Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice nor instigate Prof. Adangor to initiate any legal process against the President for his intervention in the Rivers State political crisis orchestrated by those who are hellbent on playing God in the state.

“This is because, we have the facts on why Prof. Zaccheus Adangor, SAN hastily resigned from the State Executive Council when it was discovered the type of person he is.

“Most shocking is that as a professor of law, Prof. Adangor used frivolously, the official letter headed paper of Ministry of Justice, which was not to be, to write his letter of resignation instead of his personal letter heading.

“We therefore use this medium to challenge Professor Zaccheus Adangor, SAN to come clean by telling Rivers people, and indeed the world the truth, the whole truth and the only truth about his escapades.

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“Opinions are free, but facts are sacred, Johnson stated”. Johnson said.

In a related development, Sir George C. Nwaeke, Head of Service, Rivers State, wrote an open letter to Adangor titled: An Open Letter of Reflection: A Heartfelt Advice to Sir Prof. Zacch Adangor, SAN, former Commissioner for Special Duties (Governor’s Office, Rivers State) where he accused the professor of law of lying against Fubara.

See the full letter below:

Dear Sir Professor Zacch Adangor, SAN

Having carefully reviewed your recent public statements and actions, it is essential to address critical matters that require immediate attention, especially considering your esteemed background as a Knight of the Anglican Communion, a Professor of Law and more significantly a legal professional.

As a seasoned Professor of Law, maintaining the utmost standards of professionalism, integrity, and loyalty to the state is not only expected but essential in upholding the principles of justice and ethics. Your recent decisions following your resignation as the former Commissioner for Special Duties (Governor’s Office) have sparked significant concerns regarding a departure from these foundational principles.

The act of prioritizing personal interests or allegiances over the welfare and interests of the state, particularly in your former capacity as a Chief legal officer, carries profound ethical implications. Such actions not only undermine the bedrock of justice, fairness, and the rule of law but also erode public trust in the legal profession as a whole.

Your supposed influential role as a Professor of Law underscores the critical importance of setting a moral compass for future legal practitioners by demonstrating unwavering commitment to ethical conduct.

It is incumbent upon you to reflect on the ethical dimensions of your recent actions and acknowledge the wider impact they may have on the legal community, the state of Rivers, and society at large. Upholding steadfast adherence to principles of justice, integrity, and fidelity to the state is indispensable in navigating any future challenges with honor and rectitude.

Please permit me to make specific reference to your egregious falsehood that the Governor directed the State University not to reabsorb you. The unequivocal disclaimer issued by the University authorities expressly refuting these claims serves as a testament that this is merely your fabrication. Methinks such deceitful actions are not only shameless but also deeply troubling, especially considering the esteemed status you ought to hold within the academic and legal spheres. This betrayal of truth is both unexpected and unbelievable, tarnishing your reputation as an individual who should uphold the highest standards of integrity and honesty. Please permit me to ask you as a friend, “what do you want to achieve by falling this low?”
Please rack your conscience.

As a onetime Attorney-General of Rivers State, the responsibilities entrusted to you transcend mere legal duties; they symbolize a sacred pact with the people and the state. By refusing the redeployment to the Ministry of Special Duties (Governor’s Office), you exhibited a sense of self-centeredness that contradicts the selfless service expected of a public officer. This act, whether driven by pride or other factors, casts doubt on the sincerity of your service to the state.

Moreover, presenting yourself as the Attorney-General in your recent media engagements following your redeployment to the Ministry of Special Duties borders on impersonation and raises legal and ethical concerns. It is imperative that you acknowledge and rectify such misrepresentations to avoid tarnishing your reputation and facing potential legal consequences.

In light of these complexities and recent developments, I urge you to reflect deeply on your actions, acknowledge any shortcomings, and extend a genuine apology to Governor Sir Siminalayi Fubara GSSRS and the entire community of Rivers State. I also think that you owe an apology to your learned brothers, especially your students who are looking up to you for moral guidance. Embracing humility and a commitment to remedying any harm caused will pave the way for redeeming your image and rebuilding the trust.

In conclusion, your role as a legal luminary demands exemplary conduct, ethical fortitude, and unwavering dedication to upholding the rule of law. By revisiting these fundamental principles and committing to rectifying past missteps, you can regain trust, restore integrity, and contribute positively to the legal profession and society at large.

My brother Knight, it is not about today, I know that there is a tomorrow and I want you to balance your records.

Warmest regards,

Sir George C. Nwaeke, PhD, FCA, mni, Head of Service, Rivers State.
11th May, 2024

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