Fubara to Ijaw youths: Celebrate, we've defeated our enemies

Rvers State Governor, Sir Siminalayi Fubara (right); addressing leaders and members of Ijaw Youth Council (IYC) on a solidarity walk to Government House Gate, Port Harcourt on Thursday.

Rvers State Governor, Sir Siminalayi Fubara (right); addressing leaders and members of Ijaw Youth Council (IYC) on a solidarity walk to Government House Gate, Port Harcourt on Thursday.

By Okafor Ofiebor/ Port Harcourt

Governor Siminalayi Fubara on Thursday told members of the the Ijaw Youth Council (IYC) that enemies of Rivers State have been defeated already.

Fubara spoke against the background of the ongoing struggle for control of the political structure of the state between him and his predecessor, Nyesom Wike while addressing the national and state leadership of the Ijaw Youth Council (IYC), who were on a solidarity walk to Government House in Port Harcourt on Thursday.

The solidarity walk was staged as part of activities to celebrate the heroic exploits of late Ijaw hero, Major Isaac Adaka Boro who died 56 years ago.

Fubara who expressed his appreciation for the assurances of members of the IYC that they would respond to his call and stand by him should the need arise in the ongoing political crises said there would not be any need to disrupt the peace in the State.

This, according to him is because the enemies of the State have been defeated already.

He, however, acknowledged with delight the assurances of brotherly support from the IYC while urging the Ijaw Nation to key into the on-going celebration of the liberation the State is enjoying now, according to press statement by Nelson Chukwudi, the Chief Press Secretary CPS to the Governor.

Fubara noted that Major Isaac Adaka Boro genuinely stood for equity, justice, and fair play, and pursued his course to ensure liberation for the Ijaw people and their clans.

The Governor emphasized that every genuine Rivers man is a liberator, adding that he was delighted to receive them on such auspicious day to re-enact the common purpose of liberation that they shared.

He said, “Because he stood for that unique thing, even after his death, we still celebrate him because he was a liberator.

“Every Rivers man, it doesn’t matter whether you are Ijaw or upland, the most important thing is that every genuine Rivers man must be a liberator.

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“And I’m happy that you have come here today. I have also received you because we have one common purpose: to liberate our dear State. We are not going back on that.”

“I am happy that you’ve told me this morning that when I call on you, you will respond. But there is nothing to call on you for. Because we have already defeated them.

“By the special grace of God, what they thought that they would have done to us while we were celebrating our one year in office, they are the ones sleeping with their two eyes open. It shows that we have the Ijaw blood. And what is that blood: it is the blood of action; less talk, more action.”

He appealed to Ijaw youths to conduct themselves peacefully as they celebrate the Major Isaac Adaka Boro Day, and also be good ambassadors of the entire Ijaw Nation.

He emphasized that it should be done in the same spirit that had enveloped the State now celebrating victory over his political detractors.

Governor Fubara promised to support the IYC Eastern Zone to have a befitting Secretariat in Rivers State.

In his speech, the National President of IYC, Mr Jonathan Lokpobiri, described the day as historic because Ijaw people were meeting with their Governor on Major Isaac Adaka Boro Day of memorial.

Mr Lokpobiri said it affirms that the gods of Ijaw people are at work, and warned all detractors to retrace their steps, and allow the Governor, who has the full mandate of the people, to discharge his duties to Rivers people.

He commended Governor Fubara for his courage, bravery and commitment to good governance, insisting that his struggle and triumph resonates with the hope of all Ijaw people.

On his part, Chairman of IYC, Eastern Zone, Mr Tamuno Kpokpo, clarified that their visit is not to signify an ethnic war but to lend support in protection of the interest and continuous development of Rivers State.

Mr Kpokpo said IYC will stand to resist anybody or group of persons anywhere who dare to cause any distraction of governance anymore in the State, and appealed that the Governor be allowed to govern the State peacefully.

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