Two police officers dismissed for fighting on street


The Force Public Relations Officer, Muyiwa Adejobi

By Kazeem Ugbodaga

The Force Headquarters has dismissed two police officers after they were caught fighting in a viral video on the street in Edo State.

The Force Public Relations Officer, ACP Muyiwa Adejobi in a statement on Friday, said the Nigeria Police Force was aware of a video circulating on social media platforms depicting a street fight involving two police officers.

He said the two officers involved were identified as F/NO. 491112 Cpl Ozimaede Aidonojie and F/NO. 516384 PC Salubi Stephen, both of whom served at the Ebele Divisional Police Headquarters in Edo State.

“Upon thorough examination of the video in question, it has been confirmed that this regrettable incident occurred in the year 2020.

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“The behavior displayed by the officers during this altercation, witnessed by members of the public who had to intervene to separate them, is completely unacceptable and unbecoming of officers entrusted with upholding law and order,” he said.

Adejobi added that in response to this serious breach of professional ethics, “both Cpl Ozimaede Aidonojie and PC Salubi Stephen have been dismissed from the Force. Their dismissal was officially communicated through a Police wireless signal with reference number CH 6450/EDS/PROV/VOL.3/188, dated April 24, 2020.”

He reiterated the Nigeria Police Force’s condemnation of such act in the strongest terms, while assuring resolute commitment to maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and integrity among its personnel.

“Members of the public are encouraged to continue to partner with the Force, as partnership is key to promoting accountability and transparency in the Force, as well as enhancing a safe and secure environment for all,” he said.


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