What excessive salt consumption does to your health - Health minister



The Coordinating Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Prof. Ali Pate, says excessive consumption of salt and sodium triggers hypertension and other heart diseases.

Pate said this on Tuesday in Abuja at a news conference to commemorate the 2024 Salt Awareness Week, with the theme: ”It’s Time to Shine the Spotlight on Salt”.

Represented by the Permanent Secretary in the ministry, Ms Daju Kachollom, Pate said the Federal Government would step up public awareness of the dangers of excessive salt consumption.

The minister said that not less than 10 per cent of cardiovascular disease deaths in Nigeria are attributed to excess sodium.

He said that there were varying estimates of the average daily intake of dietary sodium among Nigerian adults, ranging from 2.3 to 10 grams per day, while the intake of dietary salt ranged from 5.8 to 25 grams per day.

He said that this figure was significantly higher than the WHO recommendations of daily intake of 2 grams of sodium and 5 grams of salt.

Pate said that reducing sodium intake was crucial for controlling blood pressure, adding that this would help to prevent hypertension and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

According to him, salt is a hidden adversary in people’s diets, and it contributes to the burden of cardiovascular diseases that afflict many of the loved ones.

“Nigeria is not immune to the global epidemic of hypertension and heart diseases.

“The choices we make at our dining tables, the ingredients we stir into our pots; and the snacks we consume at a moment of leisure; all contribute to the silent escalation of health risks, associated with high salt intake,” the minister is quoted by the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN).

Citing a WHO report, Pate said that about 17.9 million lives were claimed, as salt intake had a far-reaching impact on death through High Blood Pressure, heart attack and stroke.

He said that implementing sodium reduction strategies could lead to significant healthcare savings and prevent costly medical treatments for diseases caused by high sodium intake.

WHO Country Representative, Dr Walter Mulombo, also said that excess salt consumption was linked to gastric cancer and kidney disease.

Mulombo, who was represented by the National Progressional Officer on Nutrition, WHO, Dr Pindar Wakawa, said the global average intake of sodium was more than double what the WHO recommended.

He called for an urgent public health message to enable people to take precautions against salt and sodium consumption.

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