Police nab over 300 suspects in Abuja

Police-2 (1)


By Monday Ijeh

The Commissioner of Police (CP) in charge of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Mr Benneth Igweh, said 300 suspects who claimed to be scavengers were arrested when he led tactical team of the command to raid their hideouts on Wednesday.

Igweh revealed this during a media briefing on Thursday in Abuja.

He said the suspects, who claimed to be scavengers were arrested as parts of efforts to clean up Abuja city.

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“We have arrested some of them; some are here while about 300 of them are already in the prison, since yesterday.

“We want to clean the city because we have seen that some of them, in the disguise that they are scavengers, end up engaging in robbery,” he said.

Igweh said generators, cutlasses, guns and other valuables suspected to have been stolen from innocent residents were recovered.

The CP said the suspects would be charged to court upon completion of screening and investigation. (NAN)

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